Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Please come back soon for further details - Details


To all FOPS members...

The 2020 FOPS AGM will be held via zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions. Councillors will receive further information via email from Mike Crowe - our coordinator/membership secretary.

Please let us know if you are able to make it by April 21st 2021.


Upcoming Events

We don't have any upcoming events at the moment.
View our previous events

Personal Stories

Bob's Story Passing water had became more and more of a strain, hence an appointment for a check up was made. "Your PSA is 18" said the doctor "and I'd like to examine your prostate, so up on the couch please. Hmm - your prostate is rather large, I'd like you to see a specialist." Hence in May 2008, my saviour,... Read more...
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Make a Donation

We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.

Donate to The FOPS

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