Amongst the trees and glades near to the Cricket Club, on a Scorching Saturday Summer afternoon, the villagers and their families and friends came in droves to the many stalls advertising local events and services.
Hitesh and Rajula of the Parade Pharmacy along with their assistants Emma and Carol were very busy in the big ‘hot’ Marquee dispensing advice, as is their kindly nature, whilst a rather retiring member of the Friends of Prostate Sufferers Ron Darnell was beavering away chatting about the desirability to have yearly PSA tests when one reaches the mid-forties. Indeed he was kept so busy, both in and outside the tent, that his supply of FOPS Leaflets - urging men to approach either Pradip at RO Pharmacy or Hitesh and Rajula at the Parade Pharmacy for an instant PSA test, ran out mid-afternoon…
Many have turned up at our Chorleywood Pharmacies this week for a PSA test -the test that extended my life will hopefully save others from a grisly death…
Bob Arthy
The June FOPS support meeting. An in-person meeting at Christ Church, Chorleywood. Read more...
From 7.45pm (for 8pm start) on Wed 7th May 2025 we will be holding another Virtual Support Group meeting with our resident Consultant Urologists Read more...
The June 2nd 2025 FOPS support meeting. An in-person meeting at Christ Church, Chorleywood. Read more...
We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.