What a fantastic experience we had at our Village Day!
This event was so different from most, if not all the others, we have so far taken part in, for FOPS.
The warm, enthusiastic greetings we received from so many people were a welcome change from some we have received in the past.
In total, 16 of us spent all or part of six hours beating the drum for prostate cancer awareness, with Dennis, Aidan and Marie as well as John Liedberg, Brian Fenton and Ron, meeting in the late morning to assemble and erect the gazebo in record time, to await the first arrivals.
It was a beautiful, sunny day with almost a Carnival atmosphere prevailing. Rajula was one of five new recruits to our crusade and my oh my, she took to it like a duck to water! If she did not know all the people who approached her, they certainly knew her. Judging by the big smiles on their faces one would have thought they were getting free ice creams, not prostate cancer leaflets and advice. Well done, you, Rajula !
Vartan's permanent smile may also have lulled many other hesitant or reluctant customers into accepting a proffered leaflet.
Tony, likewise, chatted to all who would listen and his lovely cultured voice and smiling face were a real crowd catcher, whilst David (in Dennis’s words) added a touch of “octogenarian gravitas”to the proceedings.
Meanwhile Jill, Peter Bailey's wife, "manned" the Gazebo, while the field troops were on manoeuvres, i.e. handing out leaflets.
Those of us, more seasoned pioneers, were delighted with the new kids on the block, as they made our day easier. My Dennis, much to his disappointment, had to leave halfway through the day as he was quite unwell, but after a few hours sleep he was back to normal. Jim strolled around with his ukelele, adding to the festive vibes, while Chris and Terry were cheerfully handing out leaflets and chatting to people like long lost friends.
I feel sure that the groundwork, already done by Bob and Jim over the past few years in Chorleywood, went a long way towards making our experience for that whole day, the wonderful one it was. Tom, our son-in-law, took over from Dennis in helping to take down the gazebo, and with all hands to the pump, the car was loaded and we were on our way by 4.30. Tom also arranged to come to stow everything in our garage the next morning & Ron, bless him, not knowing this, came at 9 o'clock on Sunday morning to offer to do just that for us. Thank you, Ron, we appreciate your thoughtfulness.
So, for now, the Gazebo and associated accessories are safely stored, awaiting our next adventure. If it is half as good as the Chorleywood Village Day, we will be restored, boosted and inspired to carry on with our crusade to raise awareness of prostate cancer.
Well done, all of us
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The June 2nd 2025 FOPS support meeting. An in-person meeting at Christ Church, Chorleywood. Read more...