Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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The enthusiastic FOPS Welcoming Team did a wonderful job in meeting and greeting nearly one hundred men and ladies who had come for a PSA Test or just to take part in the Presentations of 'Trouble Down Below' and 'Something for the Ladies'.The FOPS Team, chatted and served coffees, helping men to complete their Consent Forms, and then leading them to Hitesh and Rajula our FOPS Chemists who had compiled the Consent forms and the Introductory leaflets and who oversaw the PSA Testing procedure.

The FOPS Team, chatted and served coffees, helping men to complete their Consent Forms, and then leading them to Hitesh and Rajula our FOPS Chemists who had compiled the Consent forms and the Introductory leaflets and who oversaw the PSA Testing procedure.
Then the 73 men met either Caroline, Sara or Helen, our three phlebotomists, who worked their socks off to get bloods from the 73 Testees before 9.30 pm.

And then the action switched to Alvan Pope and Julian Shah who were on the very peak of their top forms as at 7.30 pm they engaged an audience of over 100 souls in the beautiful nave at Christ Church. So great was the interest shown by their audience that they had to have a comfort break around 8.30pm before reconvening for a continuation of a lively question and answer session of how best to deal with Tiger Cancers.
Meanwhile, Victoria Muir at around 8pm, had assembled a dozen souls in the front room for her interactive discussion for Ladies entitled ‘Trouble Down Below’ and guess what she even had a couple of men participating in her interactive discussions.

But finally, as everyone left the Church on the dark and windy Monday night, they all in their differing ways praised, Alvan and Julian and Victoria for unravelling many of the oft worrying mysteries of the Devil’s Prostate Cancer.

There certainly was a buzz to the atmosphere throughout the whole evening at the 6th Roadshow with all present considering it to be a great success.
So a Huge Thank You to all those members of the FOPS Team who had worked ceaselessly throughout the year to encourage the hundred visitors to attend our Super Sixth Prostate Roadshow.

We are now we looking forward to PSA testing more men at our 7th Prostate PSA Testing Roadshow in 2018.

Our Aims

The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

About the FOPS

Personal Stories

David's Story My life revolves round historic sports and racing cars, as does that of my wife and our three sons. I have raced cars for over forty years and always considered myself to be a reasonably fit and healthy guy. When in 2007 I had a mini heart problem I thought “well ok I have a mechanical proble... Read more...

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