Volunteer Extraordinaire - as featured in the Prostate Cancer UK Hall of Fame
Geoff Douglass joins the Men United Hall of Fame for his unwaning enthusiasm, support and commitment to the cause. And because he's got some great jokes too.
He's that good at raising money at football matches we've got him to write up his top tips to help future fundraisers fill their full bucket after 90 minutes.
It's not just at football matches where Geoff raises money, through his local golf club and at his old work place are just two examples. He's also works tirelessly to ensure many men realise how common prostate cancer is.
Geoff also supports the charity by coming in to Head Office once a week to support our work. From photographing football shirts to keeping track of the web stats to tracking down players and managers on Twitter, Geoff's help has been enormously helpful for many years now. As has his lemon drizzle cake which keeps us all going mid morning!
Without Geoff the charity wouldn't be able to do what it does. We need more people like Geoff to join our squad.
So, what are you waiting for?
The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...