Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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FOPS 55000+ website hits

19th August 2015

As you can see we recently achieved a significant milestone in the FOPS journey by passing 55,000 hits on our humble website.

I (Derek Towner) am the webmaster and was part of the FOPS founding group in 2009. Since then ,being retired and due to a change in personal circumstances, I moved to Cyprus but still keep in contact with Bob Arthy, Chair of the group, and other members and continue to update the website regularly.

The FOPS have grown in numbers and come a long way since it was founded in 2009 and I am proud to still be part of the group and know it continues to flourish and help prostate cancer sufferers and their families and friends.

If you feel you would like to know more about the FOPS or we can help in any way dont hesitate to make contact and hopefully please enjoy our website information. I say enjoy because we have all been touched by prostate cancer in some way but still have fun even though it is inevitable we have difficult times and sad news occasionally. I help promote our local Cancer Support Group in Paphos. - and still have fun!!!

On a personal note eight months ago I registered at the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre (BOCOC) in Nicosia, Cyprus where the ongoing side effects of my cancer (see Derek's Story) are being taken care of. Unfortunately my recent PSA test showed an increase to 0.197 which as per BOCOC policy suggests I may need radiotherapy soon.

Again on a personal note I had surgery in August 2015 to have an Artificial Sphincter implant to control my incontinence which is a legacy of my Prostate removal some years ago. The operation went well and was a success considerably improving daily life.


Our Aims

The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

About the FOPS

Personal Stories

Roger's Story It was late 2008 when I ventured to my GP mentioning having to get up more frequently at night. So, the first PSA test, which at the age of 60 came back at 4.5. There followed 4 more PSA tests over two years with the last one being 6. With my GP retiring I was allocated a new doctor, who just happen... Read more...

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