FOPS Gazebo is born at the Ricky Festival 2014
Apart from giving out about 1500 leaflets and collecting £107, the day was notable as perhaps the first of many in which PCUK Volunteers helped to swell the ranks, with Trevor Walker’s efforts on Saturday being especially noteworthy.
Our Gazebo, sponsored by Macmillan, was exceptional and could be seen from a long way away.
Many thousand people are now very aware that FOPS is their local Prostate Cancer Support Group.
We are grateful to Max Fedrick for turning out to help, despite feeling far from well, and capturing a record of the occasion on his camera. Thanks also to Brian Fenton for giving so much of his time, though also far from well. Thanks also to all the other helpers; you know who you are and are similarly appreciated.

On the first really sunny morning of May a collection of FOPS diehards met at Dennis and Gabrielle's to practice erecting our new Macmillan sponsored Gazebo ready for next weekends Rickmansworth Festival where you can meet us between 10 am and 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Pictured above /below are both the Gazebo and Presentation Table.