The Fopsters are those FOPS who are actively engaged as Councillors, serving on the FOPS Council and raising awareness, organising social events and fundraising. Since the FOPS were recognised as a charity by HMRC in March 2012, some of the Councillors also now serve as Trustees.
We are an ACTIVE group - Please listen and watch – new ideas always welcome
It also shows you can survive and still have fun.
Songs & CD
Videos & DVD (containing these videos and more...)
Both the CD and DVD are available on request for a donation
The Fopsters (L to R) Bob Arthy & Jim Spence (singer songwriters), Geoff Hiscott (guest keyboard), Derek Towner (photos,videos,dvd and website design), Mick Flynn - featured separately in "Media Coverage" (songs and CD production)
NOTE: We are indebted to the management at both the "Bedford Arms" and "Rose & Crown" in Chorleywood, for supporting our cause and allowing us to host many of our meetings and other activites.