A Bioscanner in every Pharmacy
We Friends of Prostate Sufferers (FOPS) hosted a Prostate Roadshow there last June with a tripartite Consultants Forum of David Baxter Smith, Alvan Pope and Julian Shah who first explained the prostate and then answered questions for over an hour which encouraged 150 men to give blood for PSA testing.
Since then we have been advertising the new Bioscanners, supplied by the Graham Fulford Trust, which are now installed in both local Pharmacies and doing a great job of testing men who walk in and, after having the seven golden rules explained to them, walk out with a PSA test result twenty or so minutes later.
As you can see from the advert below men who have received a normal PSA result are so grateful that it must become another of our missions to instal Bioscanners into Pharmacies throughout the land so we can thwart more Tigers.