| | Montamba Productions Ltd had contacted the FOPS some time ago to participate in making a documentary tracking the battle and recovery of Prostate sufferers. They decided the FOPS guys were too advanced in their recovery, or had actually recovered completely, to be suitable for their purpose.
After a few months Vickie (from Montamba) contacted Bob Arthy and earmarked him to invite the FOPS to THE GREAT DRAG RACE – a day at London Fields. Unfortunately all were either on hols or otherwise occupied so I took it upon myself to represent the FOPS. Resplendent in my hastily designed FOPS T shirt and with my Wife Shirley in tow, we travelled via Cheshunt [car] and overland train direct to London Fields [nr Bethnal Green] on a windy wet Sunday.
On arriving we could see in front of us all the Marquees and could hear the music from far away. As we got closer we could see a lot of lovely ladies – whoops – men dressed in amazing lady gear. You could not help but feel impressed by the support and the willingness of these guys who were all supporting Prostate Cancer.
Some had the disease, some were friends and family of men with Prostate. They had all dressed in Drag to support this great cause and their loved ones. The principal guys, some who will not see another Summer, had appeared at half time during a match at Millwall Football Club, dressed in drag and singing their Prostate song. They were made very welcome by the Supporters and applauded for their courage in appearing there and their fight to promote awareness of Prostate Cancer. They were told they would be welcome back any time especially as Millwall actually won their match that day.
The 10K run/walk was a sight to see, all shapes and sizes, young and old, trotting – walking – running – pushed in wheelchairs – Tina Turners, Madonna’s and Kylies all superb.
We enjoyed the day immensely meeting some wonderful people and were welcomed warmly by Vicky and the Staff of Montamba. Bob and I had been asked to sing our Prostate songs but Bob being on holiday it was left to me to sing my DOCTOR I’M IN TROUBLE song. Vickie asked for two songs and as I had just written a further song with the slant from the Women’s side of the Prostate problem I sang this as well. I thought this was different and quite clever – HMMM !!
After the actual Race which took place over a period of approximately an hour it came to my time to sing on stage and with a lot of help from the Engineers, and an introduction from myself on behalf of the FOPS and what we do, I got up on stage to perform in front of probably the largest crowd so far in my limited career as a not very good guitar/singer.. ‘Doctor’ went down very well – but I think two Prostate songs were a song too far – but hey you live and learn. I enjoyed it and Shirley enjoyed it and I did get a good round of applause.
I know that Montamba were delighted with the day and all the proceeds towards the Prostate Cancer Charity but more importantly making men their wives and partners aware of how all men are vulnerable to this disease.
Jim Spence
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