The FOPS took over Rootz Brasserie mid November to celebrate Prostate Awareness. Nearly forty turned up and heard the beautiful singing of Mick and Donna as we savoured our first courses. After the second delicious course came the Caberet of Viv Bartlett who was fantastic with his hand crafted politician send up, and then his HS2 mick taking song.
Next came the 'Song' sung by Vartan and played with sweet jazz chords on his acoustic guitar. Vartan's sweet song was called "Just the way you are" as the song ended then the restaurant rose as one and clapped and clapped....none more so than Tina, Vartan's lovely wife.
Finally Mick Flinn gave us a spellbinding rendering of his "Curl the Mo" and then the restaurant cheered his Movember song to the very rafters. 