Left - John Scanes WW2 Pilot and our Guest of Honour
Centre - Filled Hall during the intro with searchlights, sirens and strains of Very Lynn.. very evocative!
Right - Jim Spence, Bernard O'Connor and Bob Arthy
Bernard O’Connor has written over a dozen books on RAF Tempsford and the role it played in helping us to win WW2 by dropping and supplying SOE agents into Europe. The Memorial Hall was full to capacity on Monday 3rd June as Jim Spence and Bob Arthy thanked our two sponsors -The Chorleywood Bookshop, who masterminded ticket sales, and Budgens who supplied the refreshments at the Interval.
Jim and Bob then talked about the awareness and support roles of the FOPS before pointing out our guest of honour - John Scanes, a former WW2 Pilot who lives in Chorleywood.
Bernard O'Connor was then introduced and gave the audience a thoroughly detailed, illustrated expose. He then conducted a lively question and answer session.
After the interval Chris and Terry organised the teas, coffees and snacks, and Jeff, from the Rose and Crown, supplied the wines and soft drinks. There was a most convivial atmosphere as everyone chatted away to their neighbours.
Then Hitesh and Rajula Dodhia used Bioscanners to perform PSA tests. Our FOPS President, Mr Alvan Pope, was on hand to explain the results with other FOPS Council Members available to talk about ‘Trouncing the Terrible Tiger’ should one ever try to enter your prostate.