The following websites may be useful to you although there are many more available
Tackle UK
'In this groundbreaking book, Professor Plant illuminates the relationship between the disease and diet. The book gives useful advice on diet and lifestyle to maximise your health and avoid contracting cancer. For sufferers, their families and anyone who is concerned about the risk of cancer, this book is essential.'
Prostate cancer, scientifically similar in many ways to breast cancer, is the second most common cancer (behind lung cancer) among men. And it's becoming ever more prevalent. In Professor Jane Plant's international bestseller on breast cancer Your Life in Your Hands, she advocated, from personal experience, a way of life and non-dairy diet that helped her beat her breast cancer. In Prostate Cancer - Understand, Prevent and Overcome, Professor Plant brings her knowledge to bear on prostate cancer, including information on the science behind the disease and the reasons why her programme works, as well as case studies of men following her programme.
The Rainbow diet is a book about how to beat cancer, although it works just as well as a general health book I´m sure. It offers a detailed cancer diet and a cancer nutrition programme with all the tips you could want. But more than that, it is a systematic and detailed review of what foods do what to attack deficiencies and problems in the cancer process. It helps in cancer prevention and is the ultimate cancer diet book, like no other.
The FOPS have reciprocal ties/links with other "local" support groups with whom we exchange ideas and support
Interesting online articles
Ben Stiller reveals he was diagnosed with 'aggressive' form of disease and has had his prostate removed after calling Robert De Niro
Your treatment options will depend on whether your cancer is contained within the prostate gland (localised), has spread just outside of the prostate (locally advanced) or had spread to other parts of the body (advanced).
You may have a choice of treatments. Your doctor or specialist nurse will explain all your treatment options, and help you to choose the right treatment for you.
Scientists in the capital are developing a blood test that could save hundreds of thousands of men a year from painful biopsies to test for prostate cancer...
Researchers found invasive treatments for early stage prostate cancer, such as surgery, didn't help people live any longer when compared to active surveillance.
The STAMPEDE trial is a multi-arm, multi-stage trials platform testing a range of different therapies in addition to standard of care (SOC) for men commencing long term androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for newly diagnosed locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. These data from the control arm form part of a pair of publications detailing outcomes in the control arm of STAMPEDE and help to make sense of the forthcoming paper on the randomised comparisons currently in press at the Lancet.
he much-awaited results of a large randomised trial comparing three approaches to localised prostate cancer were published in The New England Journal of Medicine today. Strikingly, the treatment approach didn’t make a difference to 10-year survival: 99% of the more than 1600 men in the trial were alive after a decade...
By 2030 Prostate cancer will be the most common of all cancers in the UK. We take a look at the signs and symptoms and what you should eat..
A radioactive prostate cancer drug has been recommended for routine NHS use following a decision by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice). Radium-223 dichloride, marketed as Xofigo, could be made available for treating prostate cancer patients as early as December.
Thousands of men with early prostate cancer needlessly undergo gruelling surgery and radiotherapy, a study suggests. Men are just as likely to survive for ten years if they go for regular check-ups rather than rushing into treatment, the research found. The decade-long study led by Oxford and Bristol universities shows men with localised prostate cancer may not have to endure treatment and its side effects.
Special thanks to...
David Ferdinando and his website design team who have kindly hosted our website and offer maintenance services for The FOPS website.
From 7.45pm (for 8pm start) on Wed 5th March 2025 we will be holding another Virtual Support Group meeting with our resident Consultant Urologists Read more...
The June FOPS support meeting. An in-person meeting at Christ Church, Chorleywood. Read more...
From 7.45pm (for 8pm start) on Wed 7th May 2025 we will be holding another Virtual Support Group meeting with our resident Consultant Urologists Read more...
The June 2nd 2025 FOPS support meeting. An in-person meeting at Christ Church, Chorleywood. Read more...
We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.